Sun Shrimp are Fresh Harvested daily - We ship Sun Shrimp direct to you within hours of harvest. Most shrimp available in the USA are imported and are generally many months, sometimes years old.
Sun Shrimp are Preservative Free - Nearly all other shrimp sold in the US have been treated with preservatives.
Sun Shrimp are Chemical Free - between dips, medicines, and antibiotics, it is very hard to find chemical free shrimp tails in the USA
Sun Shrimp are Sustainable - No bycatch, no destruction of the environment and no pollution...ever.
Sun Shrimp are 100% American - No imports here. Sun Shrimp are hatched, raised and harvested right here in Florida.
Sun Shrimp are Delicious - Clean, sweet, crisp pure shrimp taste. No need to smother these shrimp in sauce or batter. Sun Shrimp taste delicious on their own.
Our peeled and deveined shrimp are Convenient - We can ship to any home across America in one day (2-day shipping is standard). Our special Vacuum Skin Packaging protects freshness, which makes it so easy to store and prepare at your convenience.
Sun Shrimp are 100% Traceable - We breed the parents, hatch their eggs, culture, pack and ship them direct to you. With Sun Shrimp you know where they came from.
Our Chief Shrimper gives you his personal promise
Sun Shrimp are about 6 months old at harvest. We harvest mostly Jumbo (U15) and Large (16/20) whole shrimp. We choose these sizes because that is when shrimp are at their optimum flavor and size. Their meat is firm and crisp when cooked, and they burst with color, aroma and flavor.
Bigger is Not Better! Many Americans believe big shrimp are better. While jumbo shrimp do look amazing, it takes shrimp a long time to grow that large. Therefore, really big shrimp are usually very old, tough and their taste can be salty and metallic. They are nowhere near as good as our young and tasty Sun Shrimp.
Now available for everyday meals. Simply substitute pure shrimp meat in traditional meat or chicken dishes. Delicious, low fat, high protein, sustainable and all natural alternative over traditional meats.
Enjoy the same delicious freshly harvested shrimp that top chefs all over the USA use. Order direct and enjoy farm direct pricing. We ship Monday through Thursday every week. We use UPS express delivery to anywhere in the USA.
Any order over $100 ships FREE!
If you care about the quality of your seafood, a shrimp that is safe and does not hurt the environment, a seafood that is good for you and helps reduce America's dependence on imports, then Sun Shrimp are an the only choice.
Shrimp this special comes at a premium. The truth is that most of the expense in supplying Sun Shrimp to your front door is in the express shipping costs. Therefore, please consider our 10, 20 or even 50 unit bulk pricing. The more you purchase, the lower the shipping costs are. We pass those savings on to you! Our special vacuum packages can be easily stored in your freezer so you will have Sun Shrimp available when you are in the mood. Once you taste Sun Shrimp, that will be much more often!
As we grow our capacity, we hope to ship Sun Shrimp to your favorite local retailer. Until then, shipping direct is the only way we can offer you the opportunity to try these truly special shrimp.
America imports around 90% of its shrimp. At Sun Shrimp we are dedicated to changing that. By sustainably cultivating the highest quality shrimp right here in Florida, we can begin to reduce our dependence on imported seafood.
When choosing Sun Shrimp, not only do you get the best shrimp available anywhere, you help reduce US dependence on imported shrimp and help secure our food supply.
We proudly ship our delicious shrimp all across the US. Customers from New York , Los Angeles, Chicago, and all thriving metropolitan cities enjoy our fresh to order shrimp - all year long.
Our biosecure shrimp culturing facility is located on Pine Island, Florida, right next to better known Sanibel and Captiva Islands in the Gulf of Mexico.
Americans deserve better shrimp.
No more frozen imports.
No more shrimp that are treated with all kinds of dips, chemicals and preservatives.
No more unsustainable practices.
There is a much better way and we are proving it every day.
At Sun Shrimp we are working hard to give Americans a better option. We are responsibly culturing our shrimp and hope to earn your trust with every shrimp we ship. If you love seafood, we urge you to give Sun Shrimp a try. You can enjoy some of the most wholesome and sustainable shrimp in the world.
Seafood Watch Criteria | Sun Shrimp® |
Impact on stock? | NO IMPACT on wild stock |
Impact on other species? | NONE |
Fishery managed to maintain long term productivity? | Sun Shrimp sustainably grown in a zero discharge, all natural system |
Effluent? | Our facility is a zero-discharge facility with NO effect on wild habitat |
Habitat & ecosystem effects? | Our closed biosecure facility has no effect on the habitat or ecosystem |
Chemical use? | No chemicals are used |
Feed use? | Sustainable and efficient. Very low feed conversion ratio and minimal fish in fish out ratio |
Escapes? | Biosecure closed facility away from natural habitat |
Diseases | Biosecure facility has an uninterrupted disease-free status monitored by the USDA |
Source of stock? | Non-GMO stocks that are certified disease free and hatched independant of wild stock |
If you can boil water, then you can cook Sun Shrimp. If you have a pan, put some butter or oil and you are only minutes away from having a delicious, nutritious shrimp meal.
There is nothing easier then cooking shrimp. When they turn pink they are done. A couple of minutes is all it takes.
Our vacuum packed shrimp are washed, cleaned and ready to cook. no mess, no fuss.
Shrimp has long reigned as a favored seafood option, heralded for its culinary malleability and wholesome profile. However, the shrimp...
Have you ever wondered why using peeled and deveined shrimp is recommended in recipes? Well, let’s first determine what deveining...
Ever thought about shrimp’s size and how it impacts your cooking experience? We would be happy to shed some light...